Weekly Challenge 36 – 27 August

Every Thursday a new challenge will be posted consisting of prompts for flash fiction or poetry. As a guide line flash fiction should be around the 200 word count and poetry between 14 and 20 lines.
Your piece can involve one, all or any combination of the prompts given. The key is to enjoy what you are writing and in turn we will enjoy what you give us to read.

Please take the time to add your piece to the list by clicking the cute creature below. You can also add this to your own piece so others can enjoy too.

Ok so pens (or fingers) at the ready for some creative fun and I look forward to reading what you write.

The Prompts

Poetic Lines

wind in the chimes pulls music – Morning in May by Rosalind Brackenbury
the aunts who never speak, nod – Natural Disasters by Faith Shearin
and perspective it is the painter’s art – Sonnet 24 by William Shakespeare


Marriage: a ceremony in which rings are put on the finger of the lady and through the nose of the gentleman – Herbert Spencer
A novel is never anything, but a philosophy put into images – Albert Camus
Loving can cost a lot but not loving costs more, and those who fear to love often find they want of love is an emptiness that robs the joy from life – Merle Shan



Venice Beach by Don Jim
Venice Beach by Don Jim


get the InLinkz code

5 thoughts on “Weekly Challenge 36 – 27 August

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