


A weekly prompt challenge for writers of flash fiction and/or poetry.

A prompt is the starting block the writer’s imagination and creativity does the rest. This blog is intended to be for fun and exercise of the muse so there are few rules.


  1. Flash fiction should be 100-200 words and poetry 14 or more lines. Don’t panic I won’t be chasing anyone with a virtual stick if they are under or over that.

  2. Please click the cute creature at the bottom of the challenge to share your post with me and other challenges.

  3. I will post a new challenge every Thursday and each challenge lasts for one week.

  4. Please read and comment on the writes of other challenge participants.


Have fun and I look forward to reading you soon


12 thoughts on “About

  1. “Digital Gathering” has been nominated for the Blog Tour Award by my dear friend Horty.

    You can find her here : https://hrexach.wordpress.com/

    I like this kind of nomination because it is fun to bloghop. You can learn so much different things.



    Pass the award on to four other bloggers. Tell them the rules and a specific Monday to post. Answer four questions about your creative process which lets other bloggers and visitors know what inspires you to do what you do.

    Compose a one-time post on a specific Monday. Today is April 13, 3015. (date given by your nominator).

    If you please, choose the next Monday …. which would be convenient for you.


    1. What I’m working on at the moment?

    I took the challenge to write 365 short poems, one for every day in 2015, as an exercise in improving my english.
    My native language is Dutch, so sometimes it’s a real challenge to come up with words that rhyme.
    I also daily create nice layouts for proverbs and sayings.
    And of course I write a ‘big’ poems every 4th day.
    At this time I am collecting my poems to publish my second poetry booklet.

    2. How does my work differ from others in my genre?

    I am not sure that my poetry work differs, but I like to write in real rhymes, and lately I try to write in the same number of syllables.
    When my poem is finished I open my Paint Shop Pro and create a beautiful layout.

    3. Why do I write and create what I do?

    I started writing poetry because my daughter-in-law Patty wrote her first book of poems, and I thought it was fun to do.

    So this month a year ago I wrote my first english poem on my blog.

    4. How does my writing and creative process work?

    For the 365 days poetry I just take some pictures and write down what I see.
    For the ‘big’ poems I use a nice phrase I see, or special pictures. Sometimes I ask my friends what I should write about.
    And at the beginning of this year I started to follow Jeremy’s Daily Challenge. He provides us with nice topics to write about.



    I would like to nominate the following four fellow bloggers. If you like doing it and it is possible, you may post on this by Monday April 20 …..

    (there is a Schedule for a certain day option in WordPress)

    1. Jeremy’s Daily Challenge – Jez Farmer


    2. Richard Ankers – The Writings


    3. James’ Funnies


    4. Julie Sopetrán


    Liked by 1 person

If you join the challenge please leave a link in the comments