Challenge 2015 Week 4: 22 January



Every Thursday a new challenge will be posted consisting of prompts for flash fiction or poetry. As a guide line flash fiction should be around the 200 word count and poetry between 14 and 20 lines.

Your piece can involve one, all or any combination of the prompts given. The key is to enjoy what you are writing and in turn we will enjoy what you give us to read.

Please take the time to add your piece to the list by clicking the cute creature below. You can also add this to your own piece so others can enjoy too.

Ok so pens (or fingers) at the ready for some creative fun and I look forward to reading what you write.

The Prompts

stopped in progress to remember – Home are the Sailors by Samuel Hazo

Moral courage is a more rare commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence – Robert F Kennedy

Close by Tom Svensson

Close by Tom Svensson
Close by Tom Svensson

14 thoughts on “Challenge 2015 Week 4: 22 January

  1. Hi Jeremy – so glad you are so faithful in doing this :-). If I can make a tiny suggestion, you may want to revamp things a bit – it took me two weeks to figure out you actually did challenges for weeks 3 and 4 – but one doesn’t see them until one scrolls down…
    Anyway, thought you and others might be interested in my latest blog post at Daisies and Diamonds. I love to look at sites such as yours to see if I can get some inspiration, and as thanks, I created some writing prompts. And I also put up a link to this blog. (and if you by chance haven’t seen it, I have a poem on this blog inspired by one of your challenges (unfortunately, I think you have to go back through the posts to find it – post title is “Challenge Poem”).

    Anyway, the writing prompts can be found at:

    Thanks, and keep writing!


If you join the challenge please leave a link in the comments